Saturday, May 26, 2007

2nd PT visit and a brush with stupidity.

Ok, so here I am at my second PT visit Friday. He says almost all of my swelling as gone down, I don't have much pain (Although I was pretty sore from yard work the day before) and I now have full range of motion. Given that, he is not sure what else he can do other than tell me to keep up with the exercises. He also cleared me for Yoga classes. So I am switching over to my chiropractor next week and starting yoga. I will be ramping my lifting back up slowly. That's about that. He did make the comment "I'll still be here when you do it again, see ya in a few months" Man some people pick up on your personality fast!

And that brings me to my brush with stupidity. Ok, I feel great this morning and yesterday the PT tells me how great I'm doing and says I can ease back into lifting. So I guess that to me is as good as a green light. I ride my bike out to "watch" the guys practice this morning. You know, my hammer wasn't too shabby considering I was in street clothes and didn't have my spikes. I even tossed out a few baby weights and my form felt pretty good. I didn't go too hard, but still.... ugh. I am a big dummy. I should of known the word "watch" isn't in my vocabulary.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

1st PT visit/update

Ok, a progress report. Had my first PT appointment yesterday. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep seeing them. I have no problems with the guy, it's more my stupid insurance company. I have a $25 co-pay for every visit and my doc wants me to go 2x a week. My problem, other than the 50 bucks a week, is that I can’t see paying some office to see a physical therapist when I have three friends who do it for a living and one of them even focuses on sports injuries. Not to mention I work with about 20 OT/PTs.

Well, enough of my gripe’n. The good and bad news. Of course they tell you your days of lifting and throwing are over, that is the standard line. My PT said I most definitely should stay out of the games this year. He thinks rehab will get me back to where I need to be but stopped just short of saying it was ok to compete ;-) On the bright side I am no longer showing the signs of pain that would indicate a herniated disc. If I was just a little dumber, I’d be throwing now. My muscles in the lower back and hamstrings are still as tight as guitar strings. So I am learning how to stretch now, this is new for me! I used to stretch quite a bit when bicycling, but not so much while throwing. I think that is what got me into this mess. I just want to get right to the lifting/throwing and can’t be bothered with any of that wussy stretching.... ugh.

I am halfway thinking about doing some Yoga classes. They offer them here at work. Couldn’t hurt and god knows I need the flexibility!

Have another PT appointment Friday. It my be my last. I can stretch and workout at home and it doesn’t cost me twenty five bucks!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Today's workout.

Yeah, I know I'm fricken nuts. It's just my crap arse doctor (HMO) was supposed to have me set up with some PT and they are dragging their feet. So sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do ;-)

Just did some light core work. Lots of lumbar stretches, a quick massage to loosen up those tight muscles, and then into the gym.

  • 10 minutes of warm up on the stairmaster (Yeah, that wasn't fun)
  • Seated back extensions - 220x20 260x20 300x20 360x20 (These actually aren't too bad)
  • Trunk twist - 4x20x200
  • Cable crunches - 4x200x50
That's it. A little more stretching and then I grabbed my cane and limped on out. It just felt good to do something again.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Damn, Out for a while now.

Figures. MRIs are back and lets add a blown disk at L5/S1 to the list. That's 12 weeks at best. I can't fricken BELIEVE this!!!

All just goofing around with a 16lb sheaf. I threw a 20lb sheaf twice a week for months on end and was feeling great. All I can say is great, just fricken great. Looks like pills and PT for me.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Out of the game for a bit.

Blew a muscle out in my back a week before my first games. I was stronger than I have ever been hoping for a 12' WOB and 28' sheaf. I'd like to think the gods are teaching me patience and humility. So far I have been out of work for a week and pretty doped up.

But I live to fight another day, and I'll just be more hungry. Doc seems to think I'll be out for the season, but I think I'll be back in the game by June.