Monday, March 26, 2007

Mon - Doctors

Had a doctor appointment after work today. I have something going on with my lower right ribs. It doesn't effect my lifting or throwing, it just kinda hurts all of the time. It has gotten progressively worse over the last year. The doctor says she thinks it is in the muscle that goes between the ribs. Forgot what it was called, some big word I couldn't spell anyway.

Anyway, I'm on Naproxen and Flexeril. She wants to see if that helps first, then it's ultrasound time. I was just happy to hear it wasn't my Liver, gall bladder, or the C word ;-)

Everyone remembers my blood issues last year. They mentioned that my liver may be to blame, but then all of the test came back negative. Then I start having pain in that general area, you can imagine I was a little spooked.

The doc always gives me the "You're not a kid anymore" speech. I think that's bunk. I just read that Jack LaLanne(sp?), you know the juicer guy, is 90+ years old and still works out 2 hours a day. So don't give me that your not a kid crap.

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