Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wed - Back/Arms

Worked late, only had some spicy tuna sushi for lunch. Not the best food day, but work out wasn't bad.
  • 30 minutes on the stairmaster
  • Barbell rows - 2x10x410 2x15x410
  • Wide lat pull downs - 1x8x320 1x8x330 1x8x340 1x8x340
  • Reverse grip pull downs - 1x8x210 1x8x260 1x8x280 1x10x310
  • Preacher curl w/cable and rope - 1x8x40 1x8x50 1x8x60 1x7x70 (These are still freak'n hard!)
  • Reverse curl straight bar - 1x8x70 3x8x80
  • French press - 1x8x160 1x8x180 2x8x200
  • Rope pull downs - 1x8x160 1x8x190 1x8x200 1x8x210
  • Straight bar push downs - 1x8x180 1x8x190 1x8x200 1x8x210
Then some pork and a protein shake.


Chris C said...

I've noticed you do lots of sets. Have you ever noticed over training symptoms? If you scaled back on sets what would happen? I noticed when I went from 24-26 sets per body part to 10-12 (allowed me to go heavier,) I grew significantly. How's the strength?

Eric Wright said...

Other than getting sick, no. I really don't think that my immune system is taking a hit though, just getting old. I spent most of my youth training for endurance racing. On the bike I had to work at 80% max output for hours at a time, so the training was a lot different. My muscle still responds to that type of training. I think it fits my system. I still get DOMS when I switch up routines, and I feel great!

That is one of the reasons I work up to heavier weights. Before my fast twitch muscles get any hammering I need to blow out my slow twitch which I have a lot of from years of training.

Trust me, there is a method to my madness!

Strength wise, I'm not really built well for this kind of sport. The sports I excell at are endurance type events. I can remain pretty freaky strong for a LONG time, but I'm not the strongest by far. Things like the farmers walk or sheaf toss work well for me. My strength doesn't die off so fast so I'm still about as strong as I started no matter how long we walk or throw.

The down side is, I am never very explosive strong :-(

I'm not really getting much "bigger" although it looks like I am. The fat is melting off slowly and that make the muslce def a lot more noticable. I got my arms up to 19" really quick and now the are about 18 3/4 but look much bigger becasue the fat is gone.

It's all good, gotta get in shape for that calendar! hehe

Chris C said...

That's cool. I was just trying to see where your experimentations have gone in regards to training. I figured you knew what you're doing. I'm cabin fevered the hell out man. Today begins the permanent warm up. I got out and did my power cleans (that's all I do anymore unless my back gets tired then I throw a bench press/leg press day in there) and then did some I've got some business to show off in that event along with the stone. I'm feeling really strong and healthy, but I've had a bit of rest b/c of school work. Looking at it, I'm the direct opposite of you. I am really only good for short fast powerful bursts. I managed to train myself into more endurance while I was in the AF (time to kill) but since I haven't done it in so long I'm like fast twitch only. Keep up the good work.

Eric Wright said...

I hear ya man. If ya need something heavy dragged across the yard, I'm your man. This sport requires someone who can throw in across the yard however ;-)

It's all good. I am loads stronger than I was last year, although it may not show. Won't know till game day. Not like I'm going to turn pro at 40 hehe. I think I am going to stick with throwing with you guys though. No sense in getting stronger to throw lighter weights!

Chris C said...

Well....uh, I'm going to try to throw with the over 40's (as a lightweight) so I can qualify for the 190 championships in KC in June. I talked to the guy who runs the games out there for like an hour in Jan. he said he'd keep me in the loop after I told him we don't do any 190's out here. However, I don't know if that means he'll wait to see if I can get to one or if he'll invite me out regardless. Either way, he sends out the invitations at the end of April. Technically, So. Md. would probably be to late for this years KC games so if I don't get out there this year I'll start working on next year.

Eric Wright said...

190? Crap man, I'd have to cut off an arm and a leg to get down to 190 now.

Good luck! I don't think I'd have the willpower :-(